Substantive editing
This edit is a crucial step in large or complex non-fiction projects and can help point writers in the right direction with their work. I’ll take an in-depth look at an early draft of your document to find big picture opportunities for strengthening its structure, content and style.
Substantive editing aims to ensure that a document achieves its purpose. It does this by checking that information is appropriately focused, detailed and sequenced. Key messages might be drawn out, ideas developed, arguments investigated for logic and ambiguities untangled. Language, tone and the use of technical terms will be considered for their suitability to the audience. Substantive editing may involve shortening the document, suggesting the addition of material, or converting text to another format (e.g. list, table or diagram). The effective application of heading hierarchy will ensure the document is easy to navigate and the consideration of storytelling principles will help make it engaging to read.
This edit takes place in a single round. A second round, in which I edit any new text you add as a result of my suggestions, can be added. However, keep in mind that copyediting, which should follow substantive editing, can tie up any loose ends.
See my post on substantive editing if you’d like to learn more.
Copyediting is what most people have in mind when they think about editing, and it’s indispensable to most written content. I’ll make a detailed inspection of the mechanics of the final draft of your document to ensure clarity of meaning and consistency of style at both the line and the document level.
While copyediting is known for its correction of grammar, spelling and punctuation, it involves much more, such as improving word choice, syntax and sentence variability. If the subject matter has particular conventions, these will be applied, as will the requirements of the style manual or style guide in use. Elements such as tables and graphs will be reviewed, references cleaned up and facts checked. Solving structural and content problems isn’t the purpose of copyediting, though these will be flagged. Some of the edits made during a copyedit may seem insignificant on their own, but together they boost readability and the ease with which readers will understand your work. Copyediting is rules-based but requires instinct and judgement.
While a comprehensive edit includes both substantive editing and copyediting as separate stages, if you don’t have the time or budget for both, I can undertake copyediting that addresses some substantive aspects (those that wouldn’t necessitate major rewriting or reorganisation).
This edit takes place in a single round. A second round, in which I edit any new text you add as a result of my suggestions, can be added.
See my post on copyediting if you’d like to learn more.

Scientific and academic research editing
This thorough editorial review combines substantive editing and copyediting and is suited to research reports, journal articles and book chapters. I’ll address big issues and fix small mistakes that could, if left unattended to, undermine the credibility of your work or its chances of publication.
Your text will be shaped into a coherent, cohesive story that readers will not only easily understand but also be engaged by. Potential problems in content, structure and expression relating to anything from data presentation to sentence construction will be investigated and improvements suggested. The prose will become more active and specific after vague words, negative compounds and excessive modifiers are replaced with precise nouns and strong verbs. Ambiguity has no place in research findings, so terminology will be looked at for consistency and noun strings for sense. If connections from one topic to the next aren’t logical and the flow of the argument isn’t smooth, paragraphs, and sentences within them, will be rearranged. Wordiness and redundancy obscuring your findings will be weeded out.
A check can be made that the manuscript meets any necessary requirements (e.g. of a journal or publication series), for example in number of words per section, heading hierarchy, unit and short form use, reference and citation style, and table and figure presentation; otherwise, standard conventions and internal consistency will be applied. And, of course, grammar, spelling, punctuation and other aspects of language usage are covered in this edit.
This edit does not include:
• Checking facts beyond what a non-expert could reasonably be expected to identify as possible errors
• Cross-checking content against cited sources
• Running text through plagiarism detection softwareThis edit takes place in two rounds. You’ll review the first-round edits and provide input where I’ve requested clarification in a comment. We can negotiate the date you’ll send it back to me with your inputs, but this should be no later than two weeks after you receive it. Then I’ll incorporate your query responses, edit any new text you added as a result of my suggestions, and conduct a final line-by-line check of the paper. I’ll return the finalised file within five working days.
If I’ll be formatting your paper to a specific journal’s style, please provide the weblink to its instructions for authors and a PDF of a sample article published in the journal if no free articles are available online.
Please note that I don’t offer editing for grant applications or student theses and dissertations.
Developmental editing for fiction
This edit provides you with both overall impressions from a reader’s perspective and constructive feedback from an editor’s perspective. I’ll help you understand where your novel’s strengths lie and offer ideas on how to resolve its weaknesses.
The book’s readability and mechanics will be thoroughly investigated. You’ll gain insight into how your story will be experienced by readers, considering their expectations of the genre, and how they might engage with the characters and themes. In the report, you’ll find notes on how you’ve handled the big-picture elements of storytelling: structure and flow; beginning (hook); point of view; characterisation/character arcs; plot; pacing; conflict, tension and stakes; dialogue; setting; and ending (resolution). You’ll also find notes on your writing – voice, style and language use. In the manuscript, comments will point to examples of issues mentioned in the report and provide practical suggestions on areas needing revision, including descriptions that need elaboration or clarification and unnecessary details that should be cut. Info dumps, timeline errors and real or imagined world details that don’t seem right will be highlighted and proposed solutions explained.
Whether your goal is to be traditionally published or you’re on the pathway to self-publishing, you’ll have clarity on your next step.
The edit doesn’t include copyediting. I will, however, point out any major or recurring issues of grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax and other aspects of English usage.
Unless agreed otherwise, this edit doesn’t include a debrief/discussion call after editing. However, I am available via email if you require clarification of any of the notes in the report or manuscript.
To get the most out of the edit, it’s best not to send me your first draft. Most fiction writers need to take their work through several rounds of self-editing and revision before a professional editor can provide valuable assistance.
When you contact me for a quote or booking, please include in your message the following information (in brief):
• What your book is about (in a sentence or two)
• Whether your book includes any potentially triggering, offensive or otherwise questionable content, including but not limited to graphic violence, graphic sex scenes, racism, bigotry, homophobia or transphobia, physical and emotional abuse, child abuse, cruelty to animals or religious content
• Anything you want me to know about your manuscript, for example comparison books, whether you’ve had other writers or readers go over initial drafts, and your publishing goals
• Whether you have concerns about specific aspects of your book that you want me to address in the reportThis edit is for complete, not partial, manuscripts.
My post on feedback for fiction may help you in deciding if this service is right for you.
Up to 70,000 words: AUD 1,740 | USD 1,250
Up to 80,000 words: AUD 1,870 | USD 1,340
Up to 90,000 words: AUD 2,000 | USD 1,430
Up to 100,000 words: AUD 2,140 | USD 1,530
Up to 110,000 words: AUD 2,270 | USD 1,630
Up to 120,000 words: AUD 2,400 | USD 1,720
For smaller or larger novels, please enquirePlease note that I’m not currently offering this service.
English language editing
While some language editing is covered in regular edits, there isn’t always time for the rewriting some manuscripts need. This edit is particularly useful if your first language isn’t English, but it can benefit anyone stuck in communicating their thoughts on the page effectively. I’ll explain key, complicated and recurring issues alongside the changes made.
English usage (grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, word choice) will be corrected to ensure readers don’t stumble over your words, but there will be a focus on clarifying meaning and improving flow – that is, ensuring readers don’t stumble over your findings and ideas. Examples of problems that will be fixed are:
• Generalisations and non-specific language diluting key information
• Ineffective paragraph organisation hiding focus points
• Overly long, poorly punctuated, confusing sentences
• Non-parallel construction of sentences and lists
• Misused words (wrong meaning in context) and awkward phrases
• Rife nominalisation (verbs in their noun forms)
• Inconsistent verb tenses
• Jarring active and passive voice switches
• Unclear pronoun references, faulty comparisons and incorrect use of ‘respectively’
• Uneven tone and unsuitable styleUsing the feedback provided in this edit, you can raise your awareness of common writing pitfalls and tackle your next document with more confidence.
Unless agreed otherwise, this edit takes place in a single round. When I return the document, you’ll need to review the edits and reword any unclear text I wasn’t able to (following my suggestions – I’ll provide options). After you do that, your document should be ready for a final edit.
This edit, when applied to journal articles, isn’t intended as a final step before submission to a journal and therefore doesn’t cover reference work or conforming to a particular journal’s style.

Editorial and production support
Some work with words can’t be neatly categorised into a service, especially when it comes to digital content. And some of the technical work involved in bringing a large project like a publication from concept through production to publication may not be in your area of expertise. I can help you with tasks to save you time and energy.
For example, I can:
• Outline a series of communications
• Repurpose text to reach a new audience
• Develop style sheets for projects and house style guides for organisations
• Write author guidelines
• Carry out photo research
• Advise on permissions for the use of copyright material
• Coordinate input from reviewers
• Evaluate manuscripts
• Run text through plagiarism detection software
• Compile abbreviations lists and glossaries
• Format Microsoft Word documents to specified requirements using templates
• Apply a polished look to documents that aren’t based on a template
• Prepare design briefs and work with designers
• Prepare material for and oversee layout or typesetting
• Write boilerplate text for high-throughput processes
• Provide advice on editorial and production processes
• Write guidelines to document best practice and train staff
• Check branding guidelines have been followed
• Select excerpts and quotes from a publication to use in promotional materialOutline your requirements and expectations for the work and I’ll let you know if it’s something I can help you with.
In the case of project management, I prefer to use your established list of suppliers (e.g. freelance editors and designers).
Having your text proofread is essential before you press the button to post online or send to print. I’ll carry out a careful, methodical check to ensure your document is ready for its destination.
Proofreading is done on the copyedited version of a document, so alterations to the content should be minimal. Nevertheless, last minute additions to the text are often made, and editing slip-ups do occur. For many document types, this stage is the first at which they appear in their final visual form (i.e. PDF page proofs), so it’s essential for catching errors in presentation arising from layout (by a designer or typesetter) or formatting (done externally or in house). For publications, it’s also crucial for confirming that all components are present and in the correct order.
Depending on the project, I can proofread in Microsoft Word documents or PDFs (i.e. page proofs produced after typesetting or layout). I can mark up PDF proofs using Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit PDF Reader or customised online proofing software.
See my post on proofreading if you’d like to learn more.
Please note that I’m not currently offering this service.